APEDA RCMC Registration - Fees, Documents Required, Online Process, Benefits

APEDA stands for Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority. It is a government agency created under the APEDA Act of 1985. The main aim is the growth of industries based on scheduled food products, register individuals as exporters and set and regulate market requirements for scheduled products.

We all are well aware of the impact that agriculture has on the entire economy of India. It contributes 17% of the whole country's GDP and provides significant employment (more than 50%) to the country. Agricultural exports contribute 10% of the country's total exports. And for exporting agricultural and processed food products, one needs to have an APEDA license. Now, you may doubt What is APEDA Registration? What does APEDA mean? What is RCMC? Let us have an overview of APEDA registration first.

What is APEDA Registration?

Scheduled product is a list of all the products that come under APEDA Registration, or in simpler terms, it defines all the products that need APEDA License for export in India. These products are listed under the APEDA Act, and exporters of such scheduled products must register under APEDA.

List of all the products listed under APEDA Registration

The term agricultural processed food includes nearly all the food items that we could have. For more clarity, here are the specific/scheduled products that come under APEDA Registration.

  • Fruits, Vegetables and their Products.
  • Meat and Meat Products.
  • Poultry and Poultry Products.
  • Poultry and Poultry Products.
  • Confectionery, Biscuits, and Bakery Products.
  • Honey, Jaggery, and Sugar Products.
  • Cocoa and its products, chocolates of all kinds.
  • Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.
  • Cereal and Cereal Products.
  • Groundnuts, Peanuts, and Walnuts.
  • Pickles, Papads, and Chutneys.
  • Guar Gum.
  • Floriculture and Floriculture Products.
  • Herbal and Medicinal Plan

Benefits of APEDA Registration

Being a farmer/ businessman, you may doubt in mind that why should APEDA Registration be required? What benefits does the APEDA license provide to you?

For this query, let's know the benefits that RCMC (Registration Cum Membership Certificate) could bring to you. The benefits of APEDA registration are as follows:

1. The validity of RCMC is a lifetime. It is a one-time registration process only.

2. Mandatory for exporters of scheduled products

3. Application for financial assistance scheme of APEDA can be availed only after registration.

4. It enables registered members to participate in training programs organized in various industries for scheduled products.

Document Requirements for APEDA Registration

Exporters are required to submit the following documents for APEDA registration:

  • 1

    Self-certified copy of Import Export Code issued by DGFT

  • 2

    Bank reference letter signed by the authorities

  • 3

    Copy of cancelled cheque

  • 4

    GST registration certificate

  • 5

    Central FSSAI licence

Objectives of APEDA

APEDA aims to promote Scheduled food product export in the global food market.

  • 1. Issuing registration to exporters of the scheduled food product.
  • 2. Helps in the development of Industries relating to schedule food products for export.
  • 3. Regulating the standard and specification of the scheduled products for export purposes.
  • 4. Helps improve packaging and marketing for better reach in the industry.
  • 5. Conducting various training programs for its members to help develop the export industry for the listed food products in the APEDA act.
  • 6. Take part in a food fest to promote scheduled food items outside India.

Eligibility for APEDA Registration

Any person or food business operator indulging in the export of one or more food products listed under the First Schedule and Second Schedule of the APEDA act, all such Businesses and individuals are eligible for APEDA Registration as per the guidelines given in sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the APEDA act.

Exporters are expected to acquire APEDA registration within the one month of incorporation of their business.

Following scheduled food Products Under APEDA Act

First Schedule

  • 1. Fruits, vegetables, and their products
  • 2. Meat and meat products
  • 3. Poultry and poultry products
  • 4. Dairy products
  • 5. Confectionary, biscuits, and bakery products
  • 6. Honey, jaggery, and sugar products
  • 7. All kinds of chocolates, Cocoa, and its products
  • 8. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • 9. Cereals and Cereal products
  • 10. Groundnuts, peanuts, and walnuts
  • 11. Pickles, chutneys, and papads
  • 12. Guar Gum
  • 13. Floriculture and floriculture products
  • 14. Herbal and medicinal plants
  • 15. De-oiled rice bran
  • 16. Green pepper in brine

The Second Schedule

Basmati Rice

Documents Required For APEDA Registration

Exporters are required to submit the following documents for APEDA registration:

  • 1. Import-Export Code issued by the DGFT for export
  • 2. The signed certificate from the bank
  • 3. Statement of Account of the last 2 months
  • 4. Cancelled Cheque is required
  • 5. GST registration certificate
  • 6. Duly signed APEDA Registration FORM

Additional Documents Required for Manufacturer exporter

  • Central FSSAI Registration for manufacturer exporter
  • DIS/SIA issued by the Department of Horticulture in case of food products listed under the APEDA act
  • Certificate of incorporation of the Firm (partnership firm if required)
  • NOC from the pollution control board
  • MSME certificate if required

Validity and renewal of APEDA Registration

The registration-cum-membership-certificate ( APEDA Registration ) is valid for 5 years.

The RCMC license will be auto-renewed after every 5 years. Once the fee is submitted, no additional document or submission is required.


₹ 11999

Plus taxes

APEDA Registration

₹ 14299

Plus taxes

APEDA Registration
Import Export Code Certificate
EXIM eGuide

₹ 15299

Plus taxes

APEDA Registration
Import Export Code Certificate
EXIM eGuide
Letter of Undertaking

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frequently asked questions
Schedule products are products that are listed under the APEDA Act, and exporters of such scheduled products are required to register under APEDA. This is called APEDA Registration.

APEDA Registration is required because

  1. It is a one-time registration
  2. Mandatory exporters of scheduled products
  3. Application for financial assistance scheme of APEDA can be availed only after registration
  4. It enables registered members to participate in training programs organized in various aspects of the Industries for scheduled products
After submitting all the requisite documents it will be allotted by APEDA in 10-15 days.
The following are the reasons for cancellation of APEDA certificate:
  • In case the officer finds any discrepancies in the documents submitted or documents at any given time.
  • If the exporter fails to deliver the products within 12 months from the date of his certification
  • In case any of the authorities involved finding any discrepancy. The authorities could be the chairman, secretary, or any other officer of the APEDA administrative body.
You can get APEDA registration, using our expert services which would make your work easier and save time. This service would cost you Rs.7900/- only
It is only a license permitting the export of goods. Therefore, no return is required to be filed under APEDA License


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