Trademark Registration Online - Procedure, Documents, Benefits, Cost

Trademarks help you distinguish your products and services from competitors and help identify you as the source. It is a name or symbol that a company uses on its products, and another company cannot legally use that. Startups can build a positive reputation if they have a registered trademark. If a business maintains a good reputation, people are inclined to work with and for them.

The term trademark refers to a phrase, word, or symbol that denotes a specific product and legally differentiates it from all other products of its kind. A trademark exclusively identifies a product as belonging to a particular company and recognizes the company's ownership of the brand. The registration of the trademark is valid for ten years and renewable every ten years.

Name: A name including personal or surname of the applicant in business or the signature of the person.

Words: A word which is not being directly descriptive of the character or quality of the goods / service.

Numbers: Alphanumeric or Letters or numerals or any combination thereof. For example 555 brand.

Images: Image, symbol, monograms, 3-dimensional shapes, letters etc. For example the tick in Nike logo.

Sound: Sound marks in audio format. For example, the sound in the ad jingle.

Types of Trademark symbols

TM (™) : TM symbol signifies that the trademark or device mark has been applied with the concerned authorities and is yet to be registered.

R (Ⓡ) : R symbol denotes that the applied trademark or device mark is registered from the concerned authority.

SM (℠) : Service Mark symbol signifies that the service or device mark has been applied with the concerned authorities and is yet to be registered.

Benefits of Trademark registration

Registering your trademark is very important for any business in the long-term. Here are some of the benefits of trademark registration:

  • 1

    Legal Protection: Trademark registration gives you a superior and legal hand over someone who tries to copy your trademark.

  • 2

    Trust Building: Trademark helps you maintain and increase your brand value in the market. It builds trust between a consumer and the brand. Registering a trademark creates the face of the company or the goods and services.

  • 3

    Valuable Asset: Trademark registration in India creates an intangible asset. Registered TM can be sold, assigned, franchised, or commercially contracted to bring benefits to the company or the individual proprietor.

  • 4

    Cost-Effective: Trademark Registration is very cost-efficient. Once you have registered your Trademark, you need not worry about it for at least 10 years until you renew your trademark registration again.

The step-by-step procedure of Trademark registration is as follows:

Trademark Registration Process

The step-by-step procedure of Trademark registration is as follows:

Status of Trademark Application

After applying for the registration of the Trademark, it is always advised to check the status of the Trademark Application. There are different status of Trademark Application that might come across while tracking your trademark application through Trademark Status Checker. We will discuss some of the status of trademark application in detail over here:

  1. Registered - If your trademark application shows ‘Registered’ then it means the trademark application is approved and the trademark is registered to the applicant.

  2. Abandoned - The status ‘Abandoned’ means the applicant has failed to respond to the Registrar within the specified time and format.

  3. Marked for exam - If status is ‘Marked for exam’ then it means the trademark application is submitted and reached the 3rd step of Procedure to the Registrar for Examination Report.

  4. Objected - Trademark Application Status ‘Objected’ defines that the Registrar wants some clarification related to the trademark and Trademark Objection is being raised against it. An Examination report will be sent to you demanding a proper reply from your side. Failing to do so can result in Trademark Refusal also.

  5. Refused - It states that the application for the trademark application has been refused on the basis of the applicant's response to the Registrar.

  6. Opposed - The status ‘Opposed’ means that the trademark application is opposed by any third party after its publication in the Trademark Journal.

Documents Required for Trademark registration

For Trademark registration, the following documents are required:

  • 1

    Logo or brand name

  • 2

    Signed power of attorney

  • 3

    Copy of GST and MSME certificate (optional)

  • 4

    Registration certificate of the Entity (optional)

  • 5

    Affidavit with supporting documents (only for prior usage)

For Proprietorship Firm
  • 1

    Logo (if any)

  • 2

    Aadhar card of Proprietor

  • 3

    Signed Power of Attorney (for Appointment of Attorney to file Trademark)

  • 4

    Signed User Affidavit (Only for Prior usage of marks)

For Private Limited, LLP & other small entities
  • 1

    Logo (if any)

  • 2

    Company Master Data of Entry

  • 3

    Signed Power of Attorney (For Appointment of Attorney to apply on the applicant's behalf)

  • 4

    Signed User Affidavit (Only for Prior usage for marks)

  • 5

    MSME Registration certificate

  • 6

    Board Resolution for Appointments of Authorised Signatory

For Society & Trust
  • 1

    Logo (if any)

  • 2

    Registration certificate

  • 3

    Signed Power of Attorney (For Appointment of Attorney to apply on applicant's behalf)

  • 4

    Signed User Affidavit (Only for Prior usage for marks)

For Joint Applicant
  • 1

    Logo (if any)

  • 2

    Copy of Aadhar Card of both the applicants

  • 3

    Signed Power of Attorney (For Appointment of Attorney to apply on the applicant's behalf)

  • 4

    Signed User Affidavit (Only for Prior usage for marks)



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frequently asked questions
Basically a trademark is a brand or a logo that you use to distinguish your product from those of your competitors. The term Trademark is the legal term for “intellectual property”.
Trademark Registration is a legal procedure provided under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. Through trademark registration or you can say logo registration/brand registration, you can protect your brand or logo by restricting other people from using the same.
A phrase, word, symbol, device, or even color are all eligible for a trademark. Anything that distinguishes the goods of your party or company from another qualifies. However, the item must be used in a commercial setting to obtain protection from the law. Trademarks have a 10-year protection span.
Trademark searches refer to any action taken for the purpose of determining whether and/or a trademark is used in commerce. Trademark searches can be narrow in scope or can include results from every avenue for trademark protection for every mark is remotely similar to the mark that is the subject of the search. An appropriate search strategy will consider the nature of the mark, the nature of the goods/services the mark covers, the timeline for bringing the mark to commerce, and the applicant's allocation of resources.


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